Well, I've been working on LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) for past three plus years. I thought I should write a technology blog, and chose PHP technology with which I work.
The two Open sources that I started working have enhanced my coding skills. First one being dotproject, The second one being wordpress. Most well known opensource products for Project Management and Blogging tools respectively.
Though these two are indifferent products they use same technology in PHP Both use PHP as the language.MySQL being the common database for most of opensource products. The other two being OS and Webserver whom generally being Linux and Apache.
Unlike the commercial products ,these products surpass them in their reusing the code(OOPS in PHP), PHP-coding perspective,PHP -designing perspective,PHP-security and building the product. Gives a very good start for those who starters coding on a product with PHP as their technology. The method of designing, coding, reusing is something to be learnt from them.
Dotproject uses MVC(Model View Contoller)design pattern while wordpress uses singleton pattern. Apart from designing usage of some other utility softwares in these products like ,ez2pdf, ADOdb, PEAR libraries etc gives more deep insight of how to use a third party tools.